Jeff Jacoby
Jeff Jacoby
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Pundicity: Informed Opinion and Review

Writings by Topic: Immigration

Title Publication Date
Birthright citizenship is a constitutional right that Trump can't revoke The Boston Globe December 11, 2024
Should we take Trump at his word? The Primary Source November 13, 2024
Hispanic voters flock to the GOP, exploding the 'great replacement' theory The Boston Globe October 23, 2024
Alas, Trump has already won on the issue of immigration The Boston Globe July 21, 2024
The law that ruined America's immigration system The Boston Globe May 29, 2024
The border needs fixing, but not because migrants are dangerous The Boston Globe March 31, 2024
Seiji Ozawa's love for America Arguable February 13, 2024
The pernicious myth of 'inclusive' discrimination Arguable January 23, 2024
No time to go wobbly on Ukraine The Boston Globe December 17, 2023
Are the abortion extremists Republican or Democratic? Yes. Arguable August 29, 2023
You can name the Three Stooges. Can you name your three members of Congress? The Boston Globe / Arguable July 26, 2023
Birthright citizenship is safe from Donald Trump's whims The Boston Globe June 7, 2023
In-state tuition isn't an immigration issue The Boston Globe January 18, 2023
What the Yes on Question 1 and No on Question 4 campaigns have in common The Boston Globe November 6, 2022
'We did nothing to prevent it' The Boston Globe September 18, 2022
Busing migrants from the border is a blessing, not a punishment The Boston Globe September 14, 2022
'Great replacement' theories, as old as America, have always been nonsense The Boston Globe June 1, 2022
Sorry, Tom Cotton: Trump is no Reagan The Boston Globe March 13, 2022
What does immigration status have to do with a driver's license? The Boston Globe February 16, 2022
Voting is for citizens The Boston Globe December 22, 2021
Restore the original immigration policy: an open door The Boston Globe December 19, 2021
Since 9/11, Americans have embraced their Muslim neighbors The Boston Globe September 5, 2021
The political myth that demography is destiny The Boston Globe June 13, 2021
Welcome to the promised land The Boston Globe April 28, 2021
Thirty seconds over Mars The Boston Globe April 25, 2021
So much losing The Boston Globe January 10, 2021
From the White House, one last push to impede immigrants The Boston Globe December 2, 2020
The common tongue The Boston Globe November 29, 2020
Like the nation's founders, Americans say: 'More immigrants, please' The Boston Globe July 5, 2020
Open America's doors to refugees from Hong Kong The Boston Globe June 4, 2020
Locking out immigrants will make the crisis worse The Boston Globe April 26, 2020
'Birth tourism' isn't a serious problem. The White House attack on it is The Boston Globe February 10, 2020
A century ago, the science was settled: Immigrants had to be kept out The Boston Globe November 10, 2019
Abolishing birthright citizenship would be 'frankly ridiculous' — and profoundly un-American The Boston Globe August 28, 2019
De-link driver's licenses from the immigration wars The Boston Globe June 19, 2019
No, President Trump, our country isn't full The Boston Globe April 10, 2019
Good policy, bad policymaking, and the 2020 census fight The Boston Globe February 24, 2019
If Trump backs down on a wall, MAGA Nation won't bolt The Boston Globe January 27, 2019
The US is not a house. It doesn't need a wall The Boston Globe January 6, 2019
America needs more immigrants and less welfare The Boston Globe December 12, 2018
Amnesty for 'Dreamers' is in the GOP's finest tradition The Boston Globe May 27, 2018
The Palestinians' real 'nakba' The Boston Globe May 13, 2018
The citizenship question isn't the only one the Census should scrap The Boston Globe April 4, 2018
A 'Wall of Shame' on the Mexican border The Boston Globe February 4, 2018
Trump is wrong on terror and the green-card lottery The Boston Globe November 5, 2017
A chance for Congress to get its mojo back The Boston Globe September 10, 2017
America's melting pot and America's Muslims The Boston Globe September 3, 2017
Obama's third term The Boston Globe April 30, 2017
Immigrant heroes save American lives The Boston Globe March 8, 2017
A long way from the Chinese Exclusion Act The Boston Globe September 18, 2016
Elie Wiesel's love of America The Boston Globe July 4, 2016
Why there are Muslim ghettos in Belgium, but not in the US The Boston Globe March 27, 2016
Mass deportations would leave America poorer The Boston Globe March 24, 2016
On immigration, I've become a dissident on the right The Boston Globe January 13, 2016
Obama can't rewrite immigration law, even for the better The Boston Globe November 15, 2015
Jindal puts the emphasis on assimilation The Boston Globe August 12, 2015
Strawberry field hands forever? The Boston Globe April 29, 2015
On immigration, it's GOP v. GOP The Boston Globe January 25, 2015
'Who will rest and who will wander' The Boston Globe October 1, 2014
'God bless America,' with irony The Boston Globe July 30, 2014
The stolen job myth The Boston Globe July 2, 2014
Political values aren't coded in skin color The Boston Globe February 9, 2014
When there was no going home The Boston Globe November 27, 2013
Employers are not immigration officers The Boston Globe June 16, 2013
At Harvard, the right not to be offended trumps academic freedom The Boston Globe May 22, 2013
Secure the border? That's what the US has done The Boston Globe May 12, 2013
Americans speak every language, but only English unites us The Boston Globe March 6, 2013
Unlikely bedfellows on immigration reform The Boston Globe August 19, 2012
Broaden the immigration debate -- and abolish the quotas The Boston Globe July 8, 2012
Making Americans The Boston Globe November 23, 2011
Born in the U.S.A. The Boston Globe August 15, 2010
Law and disorder The Boston Globe May 9, 2010
The right is wrong on illegal immigration The Boston Globe November 22, 2009
Bad news: illegal immigration is down The Boston Globe September 6, 2009
The myth of the coming white minority The Boston Globe August 20, 2008
Immigrants in prison? Not likely The Boston Globe March 5, 2008
Through the military, a path to citizenship The Boston Globe February 13, 2008
Fate of the Know-Nothings The Boston Globe November 28, 2007
The demonizing of illegal immigrants The Boston Globe June 13, 2007
Immigration columns get readers going March 20, 2007
What if we deport them all? The Boston Globe March 18, 2007
Illegal immigrants are here to stay The Boston Globe March 14, 2007
Empowerment through English The Boston Globe May 25, 2006
The real cause of the immigration crisis The Boston Globe May 21, 2006
Families pay price of faulty policies The Boston Globe April 12, 2006
Death of a Marine The Boston Globe May 29, 2005
The decline of assimilation The Boston Globe January 11, 2004
English 101 The Boston Globe October 3, 2002
Buchanan's blind spot on immigration The Boston Globe February 24, 2002
Her Only Crime: Being Charitable The Boston Globe January 11, 2001
My hero, my father The American Enterprise September 2000
Thankful for our immigrants The Boston Globe November 25, 1999
What decency requires of the Swiss The Boston Globe July 18, 1998
Ivan the terrible, US citizen The Boston Globe March 10, 1998
The self-esteem movement goes off the deep end The Boston Globe January 23, 1997
Welcome, immigrants -- but don't expect any giveaways The Boston Globe June 6, 1996
Choking off immigration The Boston Globe October 5, 1995
The immigrant-bashing frenzy The Boston Globe June 15, 1995
The wrong target The Boston Globe November 8, 1994
Let the Haitians in The Boston Globe July 19, 1994
Coldness on the editorial page The Boston Herald June 10, 1993

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