Jeff Jacoby
Jeff Jacoby
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Pundicity: Informed Opinion and Review

Writings by Topic: Edward M. Kennedy

Title Publication Date
Rupert Murdoch was good for Boston The Boston Globe October 1, 2023
Trump's 'Roger Mudd' moment augurs ill for his reelection The Boston Globe July 1, 2020
It's the people's seat, and it's up for grabs The Boston Globe January 12, 2010
'Kennedy' once meant 'tax-cutter' The Boston Globe August 30, 2009
The true believer The Boston Globe August 27, 2009
The Death of Ted Kennedy CHQR Calgary August 26, 2009
Time to Resign? Fox News August 25, 2009
Do the right thing, Senator Kennedy. Resign The Boston Globe August 23, 2009
Getting Away with Murder in Mass. July 19, 2009
'Borking' Kerry Healey The Boston Globe October 11, 2006
Demagogues and the marriage debate The Boston Globe June 7, 2006
The rules according to Kennedy The Boston Globe May 7, 2006
The humanitarian case for war in Iraq The Boston Globe March 22, 2006
Ted Kennedy's anti-American slander The Boston Globe May 25, 2004
An award JFK would have liked The Boston Globe May 24, 2001
Kennedy vs. Kennedy The Boston Globe March 15, 2001
Kennedy's destructive hate crimes bill The Boston Globe July 20, 1998
The Kennedys and women The Boston Globe April 3, 1997
Political notes for a shabby season The Boston Globe February 20, 1996
If Packwood isn't fit to be a senator, why is Kennedy? The Boston Globe September 12, 1995
Why is this state different from all other states? The Boston Globe November 10, 1994
Mired in Kennedy country The Boston Globe November 3, 1994
Ted's spear: broken The Boston Globe October 26, 1994
A fondness for Brezhnev, and other Kennedy curiosities The Boston Globe October 6, 1994
Chappaquiddick's unanswered questions The Boston Globe July 21, 1994
Lessons for Romney in Kennedy's success The Boston Globe July 12, 1994
Five very strange bedfellows The Boston Herald November 17, 1993
He's just a senator who cain't say no The Boston Herald October 12, 1993
Once in a while, it's really true: Opposites attract The Boston Herald May 10, 1993

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