Jeff Jacoby
Jeff Jacoby
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Pundicity: Informed Opinion and Review

Writings by Topic: Terrorism

Title Publication Date
The empty symbolism of criminal charges against Hamas The Boston Globe September 8, 2024
An Israeli hostage deal with Hamas only guarantees future atrocities The Boston Globe August 21, 2024
America tortured the 9/11 mastermind. That's why he will never pay for his crimes. The Boston Globe August 14, 2024
Palestinians can win the peace once Israel has won the war The Boston Globe November 19, 2023
MLK embraced Israel. Why does BLM embrace Hamas? Arguable October 24, 2023
An ultimatum for Qatar: Extradite the Hamas leader or face US wrath The Boston Globe October 18, 2023
For Gaza Palestinians, no help from Arab nations Arguable October 17, 2023
Redeeming captives is a high Israeli priority. Destroying Hamas must be a higher one. The Boston Globe October 15, 2023
A brutal attack in the Senate chamber Arguable May 16, 2023
Ending Saddam Hussein's reign of terror was the right call The Boston Globe March 19, 2023
Real ID was a real mistake and Congress should scrap it at last The Boston Globe December 28, 2022
The Munich massacre, 50 years on The Boston Globe / Arguable August 29, 2022
Execute Tsarnaev The Boston Globe March 9, 2022
Will Bobby Kennedy's killer go free? Washington Examiner September 25, 2021
Since 9/11, Americans have embraced their Muslim neighbors The Boston Globe September 5, 2021
What would Bin Laden say? Arguable August 30, 2021
Biden's blunder in Afghanistan The Boston Globe April 21, 2021
Death is the right penalty for Tsarnaev The Boston Globe March 28, 2021
Our guest speaker today, class, is a Jew-hating terrorist The Boston Globe September 16, 2020
When terrorists killed his daughter, his long crusade for justice began The Boston Globe April 28, 2019
The White House handshake that made everything worse The Boston Globe September 5, 2018
Trump is wrong on terror and the green-card lottery The Boston Globe November 5, 2017
How do we encourage terrorism? Let us count the ways The Boston Globe June 1, 2017
Barack Obama's legacy of failure The Boston Globe January 8, 2017
Palestinian athletes deserve better than Jibril Rajoub The Boston Globe August 3, 2016
Why there are Muslim ghettos in Belgium, but not in the US The Boston Globe March 27, 2016
Guns and the 'No-Fly' grandstanders The Boston Globe December 9, 2015
Palestinian terror kills another American The Boston Globe November 25, 2015
Another TSA debacle. Is anyone surprised? The Boston Globe November 11, 2015
Would Rabin have pulled the plug on a 'peace process' that failed? The Boston Globe October 25, 2015
Iran can buy a lot of terror with $100 billion The Boston Globe July 26, 2015
Patriot Act's most controversial section fades to black The Boston Globe May 17, 2015
A fitting sentence for the Boston Marathon terrorist The Boston Globe May 15, 2015
The Jewish state's newest hero wasn't Jewish The Boston Globe November 23, 2014
Why beheading? The Boston Globe September 22, 2014
This is no time to avert our gaze The Boston Globe August 24, 2014
Fort Hood's casualties have earned the Purple Heart The Boston Globe August 14, 2013
Terrorism is never justified The Boston Globe May 15, 2013
Things will be the same again The Boston Globe April 16, 2013
Europe's Hezbollah cowardice The Boston Globe March 3, 2013
People are truly good at heart? Sadly, no The Boston Globe January 2, 2013
A vast moral difference The Boston Globe November 21, 2012
In refusing moment of silence for Munich victims, Olympic organizers show their lack of spine The Boston Globe / The Angle July 23, 2012
Too steep a price for Shalit's release The Boston Globe October 18, 2011
The war on terror is a war of ideas The Boston Globe September 11, 2011
Finally, justice is done May 2, 2011
Massacre of the innocents The Boston Globe March 16, 2011
TSA: One step behind the terrorists The Boston Globe November 21, 2010
Victims on the road to 'peace' The Boston Globe September 5, 2010
Globe columnist calls bombing attempt a "wakeup call" WBZ News Radio December 30, 2009
The wake-up call from Flight 253 The Boston Globe December 30, 2009
Not all tidings are of great joy The Boston Globe December 23, 2009
Israel's reckless release The Boston Globe December 20, 2009
Live from New York, a terror trial we'll regret The Boston Globe November 18, 2009
The question Judge Goldstone won't answer November 6, 2009
Slaughter, jubilation, and the "peace process" The Boston Globe March 12, 2008
9/11 + 6 The Boston Globe September 9, 2007
The message in the Boston bomb scare The Boston Globe February 4, 2007
What Israeli security could teach us The Boston Globe August 23, 2006
Hezbollah is our enemy, too The Boston Globe July 30, 2006
Phone-record hysteria at the ACLU The Boston Globe May 28, 2006
When fear cows the media The Boston Globe February 19, 2006
Romney's common sense on terrorism The Boston Globe September 25, 2005
Why Islam is disrespected The Boston Globe May 19, 2005
Why NOT torture terrorists? The Boston Globe March 20, 2005
Arafat the monster The Boston Globe November 11, 2004
The radical and the reactionary The Boston Globe October 28, 2004
Abandoning Gaza will not end terrorism The Boston Globe May 6, 2004
Everyone got it wrong before 9/11 The Boston Globe April 11, 2004
The cancer of anti-Semitism in Europe The Boston Globe March 14, 2004
Palestinian terrorism, American blood The Boston Globe October 19, 2003
The war didn't begin on 9/11 The Boston Globe September 11, 2003
How not to win the war The Boston Globe January 26, 2003
Murder at a kibbutz The Boston Globe November 14, 2002
Saudi Arabia: "Eternal friend' or repressive foe? The Boston Globe September 1, 2002
Frisking the innocent The Boston Globe June 20, 2002
Looking at the horror The Boston Globe June 13, 2002
The road to war The Boston Globe April 4, 2002
Steven Emerson and the NPR blacklist The Boston Globe February 7, 2002
The permissive parents of the 'American Taliban' The Boston Globe December 13, 2001
The war against Israel goes on The Boston Globe December 2, 2001
We fight now because we didn't fight then The Boston Globe September 20, 2001
Our enemies meant what they said The Boston Globe September 13, 2001
Routed in Lebanon The Boston Globe May 29, 2000
Islam's unheard moderates The Boston Globe January 6, 2000
Unpardonable acts of terror The Boston Globe September 6, 1999
Muslim silence about Islamic crimes The Boston Globe June 24, 1999
The disastrous Wye accord The Boston Globe October 29, 1998
The blacklisting of an investigative journalist The Boston Globe August 31, 1998
The real obstacle to Mideast peace The Boston Globe December 26, 1996
In London, Cuba, Israel: the bombs of 'peace' The Boston Globe February 29, 1996
Rabin is not the first victim of this ancient scourge The Boston Globe November 7, 1995
Peace process? What peace process? The Boston Globe August 24, 1995
Combatting the anti-Arab stereotype The Boston Globe April 25, 1995
A bloody peace The Boston Globe April 6, 1995
The Nobel after Arafat The Boston Globe December 8, 1994
America -- the superpower wimp The Boston Globe December 1, 1994
The en-Nobeling of Arafat The Boston Globe October 20, 1994
Treat Iran as a vicious outlaw, not a business partner The Boston Globe August 9, 1994
Disarm the settlers? They aren't the danger The Boston Globe March 1, 1994
Can this marriage survive? The Boston Herald September 14, 1993

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