Jeff Jacoby
Jeff Jacoby
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Pundicity: Informed Opinion and Review

Writings by Topic: Wokeness, Multiculturalism and Political Correctness

Articles, Reviews

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Title Publication Date
Merry Christmas! Happy holidays! (Both are fine.) The Boston Globe December 25, 2024
A student's T-shirt says: 'There are only two genders.' What does the Constitution say? The Boston Globe December 4, 2024
Not-so-scientific American Arguable November 26, 2024
Donald Trump, man of — faith? Arguable January 9, 2024
I used to defend Columbus as 'magnificent.' I don't anymore. The Boston Globe October 8, 2023
The schoolboy and the Gadsden flag Arguable September 5, 2023
Middlebury College flunks a history test The Boston Globe June 4, 2023
When my Barbie column got spiked Arguable May 2, 2023
Woke is easy to define. It's harder to fight. The Boston Globe / Arguable March 28, 2023
Undeclaring the state of emergency Arguable January 31, 2023
The school that sabotaged its standout students The Boston Globe January 5, 2023
Informers on campus The Boston Globe July 13, 2022
Tom Hanks is a great pretender Arguable June 20, 2022
Is George Washington fit only for contempt? The Boston Globe May 18, 2022
The grievance industry vs. the Boston Marathon The Boston Globe August 4, 2021
Frederick Douglass takes on cancel culture Arguable March 15, 2021
The Israeli actress and the Egyptian queen The Boston Globe October 18, 2020
A defeat for the cancel culture The Boston Globe August 5, 2020
The ballpark is no place for the national anthem The Boston Globe July 31, 2020
Fear of speech is replacing freedom of speech The Boston Globe July 26, 2020
'Cancel culture' grows increasingly cruel Arguable June 29, 2020
The banishing of Kate Smith isn't 'sensitive' — it's ridiculous The Boston Globe April 24, 2019
The PC commissars vs. Bryan Cranston The Boston Globe January 13, 2019
At Smith College, the racist incident that wasn't The Boston Globe August 8, 2018
The transgender posse vs. Scarlett Johansson The Boston Globe July 18, 2018
Let's stop taking the national anthem out to the ballgame The Boston Globe September 27, 2017
When I ride the T, I miss my auto-nomy The Boston Globe July 2, 2017
No men need apply The Boston Globe February 3, 2017
Three cheers for cultural appropriation The Boston Globe December 2, 2015
Jindal puts the emphasis on assimilation The Boston Globe August 12, 2015
Thuggish censors in the marketplace of ideas The Boston Globe May 3, 2015
Manufactured indignation The Boston Globe October 23, 2013
At Harvard, the right not to be offended trumps academic freedom The Boston Globe May 22, 2013
Freedom of association, even for Augusta National The Boston Globe April 11, 2012
Courage, and the absence of courage The Boston Globe May 3, 2009
Avoiding the M-word The Boston Globe July 11, 2007
De-Christmasing Christmas The Boston Globe November 30, 2005
A Jew says 'Merry Christmas' The Boston Globe December 19, 2004
The decline of assimilation The Boston Globe January 11, 2004
Just another nontraditional family The Boston Globe May 17, 2001
How leftists 'debate' The Boston Globe May 3, 1999
It wasn't the N-word The Boston Globe February 1, 1999
The real racism in 'Nappy Hair' The Boston Globe December 21, 1998
Patriotism and the Fortune 100 The Boston Globe July 30, 1998
PC police are spoiling it for kids who play soccer The Boston Globe June 2, 1998
Suspicions about the statewide tests The Boston Globe May 7, 1998
Why Johnny can't read more than three 'white' books The Boston Globe March 19, 1998
Charter schools offer 'a ray of hope' The Boston Globe February 19, 1998
Christopher Columbus, hero The Boston Globe October 9, 1997
'Mr. Magoo' brings out the PC police The Boston Globe August 5, 1997
Though officials deny it, apartheid rules at UMass-Amherst The Boston Globe May 8, 1997
Santa, 2014: slim, smoke-free, and P.C. The Boston Globe December 19, 1996
Of Hindu extremists and a prince's privacy The Boston Globe May 14, 1996
An off-key note at Symphony Hall The Boston Globe April 21, 1994

Book Reviews

Book Title Publication Date
One Nation, Two Cultures
by Gertrude Himmelfarb
Azure Winter 2001

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