Jeff Jacoby
Jeff Jacoby
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Pundicity: Informed Opinion and Review

Writings by Topic: Women and Feminism

Title Publication Date
Does Harris care about Afghanistan's women? Arguable September 10, 2024
A Vietnam War novel that isn't about the war Arguable October 31, 2023
Two years on, the US pullout from Afghanistan looks worse than ever The Boston Globe August 31, 2023
There's only one way to add an Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution The Boston Globe February 12, 2023
Who needs Title IX now? The Boston Globe July 26, 2022
The virtue-signaling stock exchange The Boston Globe August 15, 2021
Women don't register for the draft, and men shouldn't either The Boston Globe June 20, 2021
Sexism and the female running mate Arguable August 17, 2020
The Equal Rights Amendment died in 1979. Let it rest in peace. The Boston Globe March 22, 2020
Team Warren plays the "sexism" card The Boston Globe November 20, 2019
The autobiographical fictions of Elizabeth Warren Arguable October 10, 2019
A new study says? Don't believe it Arguable July 29, 2019
A grievous sinner, and a great American The Boston Globe June 9, 2019
Three reasons to vote No on Question 3 The Boston Globe November 4, 2018
Victims may be sincere, but memory is fallible The Boston Globe October 10, 2018
California's bad idea: gender quotas for corporate boards The Boston Globe September 16, 2018
No, 60 million abortions didn't make America richer The Boston Globe August 22, 2018
Clinton tumbles down the 'marriage gap' The Boston Globe March 18, 2018
No men need apply The Boston Globe February 3, 2017
Does it matter how many women sit on corporate boards? The Boston Globe June 19, 2016
Gender is no credential for the White House The Boston Globe May 7, 2015
A logic gap on the 'gender gap' The Boston Globe October 15, 2014
Islam, 'honor' violence, and the silence of the progressives The Boston Globe April 13, 2014
How the marriage gap favors Obama The Boston Globe July 22, 2012
Freedom of association, even for Augusta National The Boston Globe April 11, 2012
A ban on circumcision? The Boston Globe May 25, 2011
Lara Logan and Egyptian liberation The Boston Globe February 20, 2011
Women in science: The news isn't bad The Boston Globe March 28, 2010
100 million 'missing' girls The Boston Globe March 14, 2010
Chadors in the Cabinet can't cloak Iran's misogyny The Boston Globe August 19, 2009
In Cairo, the president pandered The Boston Globe June 7, 2009
Watching Oprah from behind the veil The Boston Globe September 24, 2008
'Honor' killing comes to the US The Boston Globe August 10, 2008
Choosing to eliminate unwanted daughters The Boston Globe April 6, 2008
The Islamist war on Muslim women The Boston Globe December 23, 2007
Are women giving up on marriage? The Boston Globe January 21, 2007
The enemy of women The Boston Globe May 2, 2004
Bonnie, get your gun The Boston Globe August 22, 2002
A screenwriter's remorse The Boston Globe August 18, 2002
The Taliban's wrecking job The Boston Globe March 8, 2001
Rape? Sounds like our Bill. The Boston Globe March 1, 1999
It takes a man — not a single mother — to be a good dad The Boston Globe June 12, 1997
The Kennedys and women The Boston Globe April 3, 1997
In Jones vs. Clinton, hypocrisy left and right The Boston Globe January 30, 1997
A letter to Johnathan The Boston Globe October 3, 1996
Five very strange bedfellows The Boston Herald November 17, 1993

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