Jeff Jacoby
Jeff Jacoby
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Pundicity: Informed Opinion and Review

Writings by Topic: Health, Health Care, and Medical Insurance

Title Publication Date
When Obama was the divider-in-chief Arguable October 29, 2024
Will a government warning label really make social media safer? The Boston Globe June 23, 2024
The green giant Arguable March 26, 2024
A pandemic mea culpa from Francis Collins The Boston Globe January 21, 2024
Waiting for health care in Canada Arguable December 12, 2023
Live long and prosper The Boston Globe September 20, 2023
Only Sweden had the right COVID-19 response The Boston Globe September 6, 2023
When my Barbie column got spiked Arguable May 2, 2023
Prisoners who donate a lifesaving organ ought to be rewarded The Boston Globe February 9, 2023
Undeclaring the state of emergency Arguable January 31, 2023
Assisted suicide's slippery slope The Boston Globe January 4, 2023
Mexico to daylight saving time: ¡Adiós! The Boston Globe / Arguable October 31, 2022
Bruce Willis's nightmare The Boston Globe April 3, 2022
Roe's 'viability' standard has been overtaken by science The Boston Globe December 15, 2021
Legalizing assisted suicide would send a devastating message The Boston Globe October 10, 2021
Should the unvaccinated pay the price for their folly? The Boston Globe August 29, 2021
New Zealand is back in a lockdown time warp The Boston Globe August 25, 2021
The history of pandemics is a history of denial The Boston Globe July 18, 2021
The Down syndrome bigotry of an Oxford biologist Arguable June 7, 2021
Does the GOP have a problem with the vaccine? The Boston Globe March 24, 2021
Heed the science and abolish daylight saving time The Boston Globe March 14, 2021
No lockdown in Sweden The Boston Globe April 8, 2020
I'm skeptical about climate alarmism, but I take coronavirus fears seriously The Boston Globe March 15, 2020
What was so great about the 2010s The Boston Globe December 29, 2019
The concocted uproar over 'privatizing' the VA The Boston Globe April 8, 2018
Canadians wait — and wait — to see the doctor The Boston Globe December 20, 2017
This is your brain on social media The Boston Globe December 17, 2017
Scrap the Obamacare mandate The Boston Globe November 26, 2017
If you can pay for aspirin, you can pay for birth control The Boston Globe October 11, 2017
'Let Obamacare fail,' says Trump. It already has. The Boston Globe July 23, 2017
The left's health-care rhetoric is unhinged The Boston Globe June 28, 2017
A health-care debate to die for The Boston Globe May 14, 2017
Ditch Obamacare, and don't stop there The Boston Globe March 19, 2017
What Obamacare's drafters could have learned from a hairdresser The Boston Globe February 15, 2017
Barack Obama's legacy of failure The Boston Globe January 8, 2017
Reward organ donors, and thousands of lives will be saved The Boston Globe August 7, 2016
Let patients pay the piper, and the price of health care will fall The Boston Globe April 24, 2016
How judges corrode the rule of law The Boston Globe July 2, 2015
Buy your health insurance out of state The Boston Globe November 19, 2014
Dr. Emanuel's death wish The Boston Globe October 6, 2014
Drink to your health The Boston Globe September 10, 2014
Democrats' ObamaCare albatross The Boston Globe March 27, 2014
The Bay State's model of health care 'reform': Wait for it The Boston Globe February 5, 2014
Which ObamaCare shoe will drop next? The Boston Globe November 3, 2013
Compromise with Republicans, don't demonize them The Boston Globe October 9, 2013
What Medicare needs is a consumer-driven market The Boston Globe November 28, 2012
What would Hippocrates do? The Boston Globe October 17, 2012
A free market brings down health costs The Boston Globe June 13, 2012
Health care: No, the state doesn't know best The Boston Globe May 16, 2012
On the health-insurance mandate, Romney plays both sides The Boston Globe March 18, 2012
Quakers, conscience, and contraception The Boston Globe February 15, 2012
Migraines, Michele, and me The Boston Globe July 24, 2011
Good intentions, bad health policy The Boston Globe June 26, 2011
Romney stands steadfast for a bad idea The Boston Globe May 18, 2011
A RomneyCare fix for Romney The Boston Globe March 9, 2011
Looting Lorillard The Boston Globe December 22, 2010
Mitt Romney does the health-care straddle The Boston Globe December 19, 2010
Warning labels and the nanny-state The Boston Globe November 17, 2010
ObamaCare blowback The Boston Globe October 13, 2010
Let the private sector fund stem-cell research The Boston Globe August 29, 2010
In love with socialized medicine The Boston Globe June 16, 2010
Is Romney Grasping at Straws? The American Spectator April 13, 2010
Medicare and the Mayo Clinic The Boston Globe January 6, 2010
The public's best option: Less government, more choice The Boston Globe November 4, 2009
Hyperbole and the health-care debate The Boston Globe November 1, 2009
Massachusetts health care: A glimpse of things to come WTIC Hartford September 23, 2009
Mandatory insurance: Yes, it's a tax The Boston Globe September 23, 2009
What 'right' to health care? The Boston Globe September 13, 2009
This time Jeff Jacoby is really wrong A Healthy Blog July 29, 2009
Health care: We don't need the Lexus The Boston Globe July 29, 2009
Organ donation: Why be altruistic about it? Knoxville (Tennessee) News-Sentinel July 17, 2009
Should people be able to sell their organs? The Peninsula Gateway July 15, 2009
It's Time For A Market In Human Organs The Business Insider July 5, 2009
A deadly organ-donor system The Boston Globe July 5, 2009
Health care shouldn't be linked to employment The Boston Globe October 19, 2008
Insurance raises healthcare's price The Boston Globe January 28, 2007
A lifesaving killer returns The Boston Globe October 15, 2006
De-link health care from employment The Boston Globe June 19, 2005
The wrong Rx The Boston Globe March 22, 2005
Big lies about Big Tobacco The Boston Globe May 10, 1999
Massive anti-smoking campaign is a massive flop The Boston Globe April 7, 1998
Affirmative action can be fatal The Boston Globe August 14, 1997
Of course tobacco execs lied. So? The Boston Globe April 8, 1997
The partial-truth abortion debate The Boston Globe March 4, 1997
The body's delicate balancing act The Boston Globe January 30, 1996
Have a drink, live a little (longer) The Boston Globe January 9, 1996
Just say no to 'Clinton lite' The Boston Globe August 4, 1994

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