Writings by Topic: Health, Health Care, and Medical Insurance
Title |
Publication |
Date  |
When Obama was the divider-in-chief |
Arguable |
October 29, 2024 |
Will a government warning label really make social media safer? |
The Boston Globe |
June 23, 2024 |
The green giant |
Arguable |
March 26, 2024 |
A pandemic mea culpa from Francis Collins |
The Boston Globe |
January 21, 2024 |
Waiting for health care in Canada |
Arguable |
December 12, 2023 |
Live long and prosper |
The Boston Globe |
September 20, 2023 |
Only Sweden had the right COVID-19 response |
The Boston Globe |
September 6, 2023 |
When my Barbie column got spiked |
Arguable |
May 2, 2023 |
Prisoners who donate a lifesaving organ ought to be rewarded |
The Boston Globe |
February 9, 2023 |
Undeclaring the state of emergency |
Arguable |
January 31, 2023 |
Assisted suicide's slippery slope |
The Boston Globe |
January 4, 2023 |
Mexico to daylight saving time: ¡Adiós! |
The Boston Globe / Arguable |
October 31, 2022 |
Bruce Willis's nightmare |
The Boston Globe |
April 3, 2022 |
Roe's 'viability' standard has been overtaken by science |
The Boston Globe |
December 15, 2021 |
Legalizing assisted suicide would send a devastating message |
The Boston Globe |
October 10, 2021 |
Should the unvaccinated pay the price for their folly? |
The Boston Globe |
August 29, 2021 |
New Zealand is back in a lockdown time warp |
The Boston Globe |
August 25, 2021 |
The history of pandemics is a history of denial |
The Boston Globe |
July 18, 2021 |
The Down syndrome bigotry of an Oxford biologist |
Arguable |
June 7, 2021 |
Does the GOP have a problem with the vaccine? |
The Boston Globe |
March 24, 2021 |
Heed the science and abolish daylight saving time |
The Boston Globe |
March 14, 2021 |
No lockdown in Sweden |
The Boston Globe |
April 8, 2020 |
I'm skeptical about climate alarmism, but I take coronavirus fears seriously |
The Boston Globe |
March 15, 2020 |
What was so great about the 2010s |
The Boston Globe |
December 29, 2019 |
The concocted uproar over 'privatizing' the VA |
The Boston Globe |
April 8, 2018 |
Canadians wait — and wait — to see the doctor |
The Boston Globe |
December 20, 2017 |
This is your brain on social media |
The Boston Globe |
December 17, 2017 |
Scrap the Obamacare mandate |
The Boston Globe |
November 26, 2017 |
If you can pay for aspirin, you can pay for birth control |
The Boston Globe |
October 11, 2017 |
'Let Obamacare fail,' says Trump. It already has. |
The Boston Globe |
July 23, 2017 |
The left's health-care rhetoric is unhinged |
The Boston Globe |
June 28, 2017 |
A health-care debate to die for |
The Boston Globe |
May 14, 2017 |
Ditch Obamacare, and don't stop there |
The Boston Globe |
March 19, 2017 |
What Obamacare's drafters could have learned from a hairdresser |
The Boston Globe |
February 15, 2017 |
Barack Obama's legacy of failure |
The Boston Globe |
January 8, 2017 |
Reward organ donors, and thousands of lives will be saved |
The Boston Globe |
August 7, 2016 |
Let patients pay the piper, and the price of health care will fall |
The Boston Globe |
April 24, 2016 |
How judges corrode the rule of law |
The Boston Globe |
July 2, 2015 |
Buy your health insurance out of state |
The Boston Globe |
November 19, 2014 |
Dr. Emanuel's death wish |
The Boston Globe |
October 6, 2014 |
Drink to your health |
The Boston Globe |
September 10, 2014 |
Democrats' ObamaCare albatross |
The Boston Globe |
March 27, 2014 |
The Bay State's model of health care 'reform': Wait for it |
The Boston Globe |
February 5, 2014 |
Which ObamaCare shoe will drop next? |
The Boston Globe |
November 3, 2013 |
Compromise with Republicans, don't demonize them |
The Boston Globe |
October 9, 2013 |
What Medicare needs is a consumer-driven market |
The Boston Globe |
November 28, 2012 |
What would Hippocrates do? |
The Boston Globe |
October 17, 2012 |
A free market brings down health costs |
The Boston Globe |
June 13, 2012 |
Health care: No, the state doesn't know best |
The Boston Globe |
May 16, 2012 |
On the health-insurance mandate, Romney plays both sides |
The Boston Globe |
March 18, 2012 |
Quakers, conscience, and contraception |
The Boston Globe |
February 15, 2012 |
Migraines, Michele, and me |
The Boston Globe |
July 24, 2011 |
Good intentions, bad health policy |
The Boston Globe |
June 26, 2011 |
Romney stands steadfast for a bad idea |
The Boston Globe |
May 18, 2011 |
A RomneyCare fix for Romney |
The Boston Globe |
March 9, 2011 |
Looting Lorillard |
The Boston Globe |
December 22, 2010 |
Mitt Romney does the health-care straddle |
The Boston Globe |
December 19, 2010 |
Warning labels and the nanny-state |
The Boston Globe |
November 17, 2010 |
ObamaCare blowback |
The Boston Globe |
October 13, 2010 |
Let the private sector fund stem-cell research |
The Boston Globe |
August 29, 2010 |
In love with socialized medicine |
The Boston Globe |
June 16, 2010 |
Is Romney Grasping at Straws? |
The American Spectator |
April 13, 2010 |
Medicare and the Mayo Clinic |
The Boston Globe |
January 6, 2010 |
The public's best option: Less government, more choice |
The Boston Globe |
November 4, 2009 |
Hyperbole and the health-care debate |
The Boston Globe |
November 1, 2009 |
Massachusetts health care: A glimpse of things to come |
WTIC Hartford |
September 23, 2009 |
Mandatory insurance: Yes, it's a tax |
The Boston Globe |
September 23, 2009 |
What 'right' to health care? |
The Boston Globe |
September 13, 2009 |
This time Jeff Jacoby is really wrong |
A Healthy Blog |
July 29, 2009 |
Health care: We don't need the Lexus |
The Boston Globe |
July 29, 2009 |
Organ donation: Why be altruistic about it? |
Knoxville (Tennessee) News-Sentinel |
July 17, 2009 |
Should people be able to sell their organs? |
The Peninsula Gateway |
July 15, 2009 |
It's Time For A Market In Human Organs |
The Business Insider |
July 5, 2009 |
A deadly organ-donor system |
The Boston Globe |
July 5, 2009 |
Health care shouldn't be linked to employment |
The Boston Globe |
October 19, 2008 |
Insurance raises healthcare's price |
The Boston Globe |
January 28, 2007 |
A lifesaving killer returns |
The Boston Globe |
October 15, 2006 |
De-link health care from employment |
The Boston Globe |
June 19, 2005 |
The wrong Rx |
The Boston Globe |
March 22, 2005 |
Big lies about Big Tobacco |
The Boston Globe |
May 10, 1999 |
Massive anti-smoking campaign is a massive flop |
The Boston Globe |
April 7, 1998 |
Affirmative action can be fatal |
The Boston Globe |
August 14, 1997 |
Of course tobacco execs lied. So? |
The Boston Globe |
April 8, 1997 |
The partial-truth abortion debate |
The Boston Globe |
March 4, 1997 |
The body's delicate balancing act |
The Boston Globe |
January 30, 1996 |
Have a drink, live a little (longer) |
The Boston Globe |
January 9, 1996 |
Just say no to 'Clinton lite' |
The Boston Globe |
August 4, 1994 |