Jeff Jacoby
Jeff Jacoby
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Pundicity: Informed Opinion and Review

Writings by Topic: Liberals and Liberalism

Articles, Reviews

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Title Publication Date
The Supreme Court has a conservative supermajority. So why don't conservatives always win? The Boston Globe June 9, 2024
America's elites live in a world of their own The Boston Globe January 24, 2024
As capital punishment fades, progressives take aim at life without parole The Boston Globe August 6, 2023
At the University of Massachusetts, STEM professors resist indoctrination The Boston Globe March 6, 2022
There's a term for senators like Kyrsten Sinema The Boston Globe January 26, 2022
Arguable: Thomas Jefferson, honored and dishonored Arguable October 25, 2021
Frederick Douglass takes on cancel culture Arguable March 15, 2021
Expect liberal rulings from the 'most conservative' Supreme Court The Boston Globe September 27, 2020
The slaves of 2019 Arguable August 26, 2019
The day Fox News was on the TV in my gym The Boston Globe June 26, 2019
San Francisco employees eat at work. City Hall wants to punish them The Boston Globe August 15, 2018
Your father's Republican Party has vanished. His Democratic Party has, too The Boston Globe May 30, 2018
Registering to vote should be your choice, not the state's The Boston Globe March 28, 2018
A nation on the verge of a nervous breakdown The Boston Globe July 16, 2017
The left's health-care rhetoric is unhinged The Boston Globe June 28, 2017
In the land where Jews are welcome, anti-Semitism is on the rise The Boston Globe March 12, 2017
What Obamacare's drafters could have learned from a hairdresser The Boston Globe February 15, 2017
The fabulous wealth of the 'Oxfam 8' The Boston Globe January 18, 2017
If Hillary runs, it won't be as a Clinton Democrat The Boston Globe July 9, 2014
Islam, 'honor' violence, and the silence of the progressives The Boston Globe April 13, 2014
Political values aren't coded in skin color The Boston Globe February 9, 2014
Would Democrats embrace a JFK today? The Boston Globe October 20, 2013
Compromise with Republicans, don't demonize them The Boston Globe October 9, 2013
Useful idiots, then and now The Boston Globe March 13, 2013
Still obsessed with Citizens United The Boston Globe February 27, 2013
The real George McGovern The Boston Globe October 23, 2012
Can a conscientious liberal back Obama? The Boston Globe October 21, 2012
Stingy liberals The Boston Globe August 22, 2012
Jim McGovern's war on the Constitution The Boston Globe April 25, 2012
Apologize like you mean it, Rush The Boston Globe March 7, 2012
Occupiers, Tea Partiers, and the Tenth Commandment The Boston Globe November 2, 2011
The left, the race card, and Herman Cain The Boston Globe October 9, 2011
Anti-religious diatribes come in different forms The Boston Globe August 31, 2011
Smearing the Tea Party The Boston Globe August 3, 2011
Why do the liberals rage? The Boston Globe December 12, 2010
Condescension and comeuppance The Boston Globe October 27, 2010
Liberal grit in the fight for school choice The Boston Globe May 16, 2010
A Boston Tea Party The Boston Globe April 14, 2010
A very liberal foursome The Boston Globe October 27, 2009
Why Are Jews Liberals? Commentary September 2009
Musings, random and otherwise The Boston Globe August 9, 2009
The 'racist' brand The Boston Globe June 10, 2009
Obama and the peeved progressives The Boston Globe December 24, 2008
Enough of the Palin feeding frenzy The Boston Globe September 17, 2008
Obama's 'mainstream' friends The Boston Globe April 27, 2008
David Mamet, revised The Boston Globe March 23, 2008
One party's fringe is the other's mainstream The Boston Globe May 20, 2007
The debate shifts to the left The Boston Globe January 7, 2007
A new low in Bush-hatred The Boston Globe September 10, 2006
Historical amnesia at the NAACP The Boston Globe July 26, 2006
Slurs fly from the left The Boston Globe December 28, 2005
Balance from the right The Boston Globe June 2, 2005
Big loss for the Bush haters The Boston Globe November 4, 2004
Bush, Kerry, and the Jewish vote September 28, 2004
Bush haters do Kerry no favors The Boston Globe July 25, 2004
Al Sharpton: The Democrat's David Duke The Boston Globe January 16, 2003
Rush Limbaugh's ear The Boston Globe October 14, 2001
Ashcroft's Enemies Are The Zealots The Boston Globe January 18, 2001
Slander Is Just Fine When The Left Does It The Boston Globe December 28, 2000
A year of ugly liberal slurs The Boston Globe December 30, 1999
Smear victim fights back The Boston Globe September 2, 1999
Democratic demagoguery poisons the tax cut debate The Boston Globe July 29, 1999
When Fonda spoke out, it wasn't for justice The Boston Globe June 17, 1999
How leftists 'debate' The Boston Globe May 3, 1999
A liberal double standard on hate speech The Boston Globe December 31, 1998
Poisonous rhetoric from a would-be president The Boston Globe July 23, 1998
American leftists were Pol Pot's cheerleaders The Boston Globe April 30, 1998
More hate speech from the left The Boston Globe December 30, 1997
In Jones vs. Clinton, hypocrisy left and right The Boston Globe January 30, 1997
Tsongas's shining hour The Boston Globe January 28, 1997
Out of the mouths of liberals comes hate speech The Boston Globe December 31, 1996
Santa, 2014: slim, smoke-free, and P.C. The Boston Globe December 19, 1996
Waging hypocrisy The Boston Globe July 25, 1996
Liberal media bias? Of course there is The Boston Globe June 11, 1996
Are environmentalists responsible for the Unabomber? The Boston Globe April 23, 1996
Intolerance at Brookline High The Boston Globe March 19, 1996
Another year of liberal libels The Boston Globe December 21, 1995
Lesson for liberals: the riches of a Mississippi washerwoman The Boston Globe August 29, 1995
Stopping PIRG's scam The Boston Globe July 27, 1995
Communist chic, or, Why do they swoon for Fidel? The Boston Globe June 6, 1995
Profiles in arrogance and failure, not courage The Boston Globe May 18, 1995
A two-front war against MassPIRG's duplicity The Boston Globe April 13, 1995
Liberals' arguments can just kill you The Boston Globe January 26, 1995
A year of character-assassination from the left The Boston Globe December 27, 1994
Judging policy passed at the polls The Boston Globe November 17, 1994
Why I'm voting for Bachrach; or, adventures on the Democratic ballot The Boston Globe September 15, 1994
Lessons for Romney in Kennedy's success The Boston Globe July 12, 1994
Getting Barrett's drift The Boston Globe April 19, 1994
When taxes come close to legalized theft The Boston Globe April 14, 1994
Welcome to the much-maligned world of the conservative The Boston Globe February 24, 1994

Book Reviews

Book Title Publication Date
Why Are Jews Liberals?
by Norman Podhoretz
The Boston Globe September 20, 2009

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