Jeff Jacoby
Jeff Jacoby
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Pundicity: Informed Opinion and Review

Writings by Topic: 1996 presidential campaign

Title Publication Date
Punished for praying in Boston The Boston Globe August 19, 1999
Rejoice, conservatives: You carried the day The Boston Globe November 7, 1996
Dole's word vs. Clinton's The Boston Globe October 17, 1996
Imagine, a candidacy based on principle The Boston Globe October 8, 1996
The message is clear: Dole's the better man The Boston Globe October 7, 1996
40 more reasons to fire Bill Clinton The Boston Globe October 1, 1996
Four more years? Here are 40 reasons to say no The Boston Globe September 12, 1996
The party of gun-haters The Boston Globe September 3, 1996
Bob Dole? A tax cutter? The Boston Globe July 30, 1996
Why Buchanan is going nowhere The Boston Globe February 27, 1996
Political notes for a shabby season The Boston Globe February 20, 1996
A third-party president? Forget it The Boston Globe September 5, 1995

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