Jeff Jacoby
Jeff Jacoby
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Pundicity: Informed Opinion and Review

Writings by Topic: Health of Public Figures

Title Publication Date
What if Hillary collapsed after winning the election? The Boston Globe September 13, 2016
Migraines, Michele, and me The Boston Globe July 24, 2011
Declining on the bench The Boston Globe June 29, 2010
Do the right thing, Senator Kennedy. Resign The Boston Globe August 23, 2009
A deadly organ-donor system The Boston Globe July 5, 2009
Dying to get off the court The Boston Globe September 7, 2005
When justices refuse to retire The Boston Globe July 28, 2005
Moakley doesn't know when to quit The Boston Globe October 31, 1996
In the 9th district, a fine candidate going nowhere The Boston Globe November 1, 1994

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