Jeff Jacoby
Jeff Jacoby
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Pundicity: Informed Opinion and Review

Writings by Topic: 2004 Presidential Campaign

Title Publication Date
Into Kursk: the biter bit Arguable August 13, 2024
Democrats, the military, and McCain The Boston Globe July 13, 2008
Why did we bother to vote? The Boston Globe November 3, 2004
A question of character The Boston Globe October 31, 2004
The radical and the reactionary The Boston Globe October 28, 2004
John Kerry, preacher man October 26, 2004
One answer not given The Boston Globe October 14, 2004
Bush, Kerry, and the Jewish vote September 28, 2004
It's Kerry's ANTIwar record they resent The Boston Globe August 2, 2004
Kerry's missing compass The Boston Globe July 29, 2004
The real democrat in the presidential race The Boston Globe June 3, 2004
The Kerry medals mystery, and why it matters The Boston Globe April 29, 2004
Kerry's sweep bodes well for Bush The Boston Globe March 3, 2004
Kerry's lack of political courage The Boston Globe February 29, 2004
The race-baiter in the campaign The Boston Globe November 9, 2003
Al Sharpton: The Democrat's David Duke The Boston Globe January 16, 2003

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