Writings by Topic: Homosexuality and Transgender
Title |
Publication |
Date |
A student's T-shirt says: 'There are only two genders.' What does the Constitution say? |
The Boston Globe |
December 4, 2024 |
The seventh-grader and the First Amendment |
The Boston Globe |
February 14, 2024 |
Missing David Brudnoy |
Arguable |
November 18, 2019 |
The transgender posse vs. Scarlett Johansson |
The Boston Globe |
July 18, 2018 |
Freedom of speech, even in therapy |
The Boston Globe |
May 7, 2017 |
Marketplace changes have made ENDA superfluous |
The Boston Globe |
November 17, 2013 |
Forget the research; our minds are made up |
The Boston Globe |
June 20, 2012 |
What if Obama's 'evolution' had been sincere? |
The Boston Globe |
May 13, 2012 |
On trial at Rutgers: hate crime or thought crime? |
The Boston Globe |
March 14, 2012 |
Marriage cannot be redefined |
The Boston Globe |
June 29, 2011 |
Outrage that misses the target |
The Boston Globe |
June 17, 2011 |
Sue them: First Amendment news ghost? |
GetReligion.org |
January 3, 2009 |
Religious liberty |
The Boston Globe |
December 31, 2008 |
Playing the race card on gay marriage |
The Boston Globe |
November 12, 2008 |
Misunderstanding marriage in California |
The Boston Globe |
May 21, 2008 |
Pregnant, yes -- but not a man |
The Boston Globe |
April 13, 2008 |
Lawful incest may be on its way |
The Boston Globe |
May 2, 2007 |
Love, marriage, and the baby carriage |
The Boston Globe |
February 25, 2007 |
The Constitution's guardrails |
The Boston Globe |
December 17, 2006 |
Democracy and same-sex marriage |
The Boston Globe |
November 15, 2006 |
A mockery of the rules |
The Boston Globe |
July 9, 2006 |
Demagogues and the marriage debate |
The Boston Globe |
June 7, 2006 |
Public schools vs. parents' values |
The Boston Globe |
April 26, 2006 |
Kids take back seat to gay agenda |
The Boston Globe |
March 15, 2006 |
Adoption flap a tragedy for children |
The Boston Globe |
March 5, 2006 |
The marriage consensus |
The Boston Globe |
November 7, 2004 |
The issuing of same-sex marriage licenses by the state of Massachusetts |
NPR: All Things Considered |
May 17, 2004 |
The timeless meaning of marriage |
The Boston Globe |
November 16, 2003 |
The threat from same-sex 'marriage' |
The Boston Globe |
August 6, 2001 |
Why this death didn't count |
The Boston Globe |
December 9, 1999 |
Which court got it right? |
The Boston Globe |
August 9, 1999 |
A political attack on fatherhood that masquerades as science |
The Boston Globe |
July 26, 1999 |
The lessons of Laramie |
The Boston Globe |
October 15, 1998 |
No marriage license for Barney Frank |
The Boston Globe |
July 16, 1996 |
Intolerance at Brookline High |
The Boston Globe |
March 19, 1996 |
Should discrimination against homosexuals be illegal? |
The Boston Globe |
October 26, 1995 |
What Jesse Helms should have said |
The Boston Globe |
July 11, 1995 |
Whose parade? Whose message? |
The Boston Globe |
May 2, 1995 |
CNN's odd juxtaposition |
The Boston Globe |
June 16, 1994 |
A glib excuse to crash the St. Pat's parade |
The Boston Globe |
March 10, 1994 |