Jeff Jacoby
Jeff Jacoby
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Pundicity: Informed Opinion and Review

Writings by Topic: Homosexuality and Transgender

Title Publication Date
A student's T-shirt says: 'There are only two genders.' What does the Constitution say? The Boston Globe December 4, 2024
The seventh-grader and the First Amendment The Boston Globe February 14, 2024
Missing David Brudnoy Arguable November 18, 2019
The transgender posse vs. Scarlett Johansson The Boston Globe July 18, 2018
Freedom of speech, even in therapy The Boston Globe May 7, 2017
Marketplace changes have made ENDA superfluous The Boston Globe November 17, 2013
Forget the research; our minds are made up The Boston Globe June 20, 2012
What if Obama's 'evolution' had been sincere? The Boston Globe May 13, 2012
On trial at Rutgers: hate crime or thought crime? The Boston Globe March 14, 2012
Marriage cannot be redefined The Boston Globe June 29, 2011
Outrage that misses the target The Boston Globe June 17, 2011
Sue them: First Amendment news ghost? January 3, 2009
Religious liberty The Boston Globe December 31, 2008
Playing the race card on gay marriage The Boston Globe November 12, 2008
Misunderstanding marriage in California The Boston Globe May 21, 2008
Pregnant, yes -- but not a man The Boston Globe April 13, 2008
Lawful incest may be on its way The Boston Globe May 2, 2007
Love, marriage, and the baby carriage The Boston Globe February 25, 2007
The Constitution's guardrails The Boston Globe December 17, 2006
Democracy and same-sex marriage The Boston Globe November 15, 2006
A mockery of the rules The Boston Globe July 9, 2006
Demagogues and the marriage debate The Boston Globe June 7, 2006
Public schools vs. parents' values The Boston Globe April 26, 2006
Kids take back seat to gay agenda The Boston Globe March 15, 2006
Adoption flap a tragedy for children The Boston Globe March 5, 2006
The marriage consensus The Boston Globe November 7, 2004
The issuing of same-sex marriage licenses by the state of Massachusetts NPR: All Things Considered May 17, 2004
The timeless meaning of marriage The Boston Globe November 16, 2003
The threat from same-sex 'marriage' The Boston Globe August 6, 2001
Why this death didn't count The Boston Globe December 9, 1999
Which court got it right? The Boston Globe August 9, 1999
A political attack on fatherhood that masquerades as science The Boston Globe July 26, 1999
The lessons of Laramie The Boston Globe October 15, 1998
No marriage license for Barney Frank The Boston Globe July 16, 1996
Intolerance at Brookline High The Boston Globe March 19, 1996
Should discrimination against homosexuals be illegal? The Boston Globe October 26, 1995
What Jesse Helms should have said The Boston Globe July 11, 1995
Whose parade? Whose message? The Boston Globe May 2, 1995
CNN's odd juxtaposition The Boston Globe June 16, 1994
A glib excuse to crash the St. Pat's parade The Boston Globe March 10, 1994

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