Jeff Jacoby
Jeff Jacoby
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Pundicity: Informed Opinion and Review

Writings by Topic: Thanksgiving

Title Publication Date
Thank God for the 'invisible hand' The Boston Globe November 27, 2024
The Pilgrims' rabbi Arguable November 22, 2022
The coronavirus curfews make no sense Arguable November 25, 2020
We gather together to give Thanksgiving its meaning The Boston Globe November 20, 2018
The Mayflower Compact and the seeds of American democracy The Boston Globe November 21, 2017
Is Thanksgiving constitutional? The Boston Globe November 23, 2016
When there was no going home The Boston Globe November 27, 2013
Making Americans The Boston Globe November 23, 2011
Giving thanks for the 'invisible hand' The Boston Globe November 27, 2003
The blessing of private property The Boston Globe November 28, 2002
Why were the Pilgrims thankful? The Boston Globe November 23, 2000
The faith that links Thanksgiving and Chanukah The Boston Globe November 28, 1996

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