Jeff Jacoby
Jeff Jacoby
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Pundicity: Informed Opinion and Review

Writings by Topic: Afghanistan

Title Publication Date
Does Harris care about Afghanistan's women? Arguable September 10, 2024
Two years on, the US pullout from Afghanistan looks worse than ever The Boston Globe August 31, 2023
The Afghanistan withdrawal was a shambles. Why is Biden pretending it wasn't? The Boston Globe April 12, 2023
What would Bin Laden say? Arguable August 30, 2021
Afghanistan and the 'forever war' myth The Boston Globe August 17, 2021
Biden's blunder in Afghanistan The Boston Globe April 21, 2021
Unity in the death of a colleague The Boston Globe April 9, 2014
Afghanistan, Obama, and the loyal opposition The Boston Globe September 9, 2009
The enemy of women The Boston Globe May 2, 2004
The Taliban's wrecking job The Boston Globe March 8, 2001
Muslim silence about Islamic crimes The Boston Globe June 24, 1999

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