Jeff Jacoby
Jeff Jacoby
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Pundicity: Informed Opinion and Review

Writings by Topic: Animals

Title Publication Date
A judge's dissent Arguable November 19, 2024
The Endangered Species Act has done little for endangered species The Boston Globe January 3, 2024
Don't give up Twitter, NPR. Give up your subsidy. Arguable April 18, 2023
What was great about 2020 The Boston Globe December 30, 2020
In defense of Chief Wahoo Arguable September 18, 2017
Hooked on a cruel sport The Boston Globe May 11, 2003
The inhumane society The Boston Globe April 2, 2001
The Endangered Species Act needs an overhaul The Boston Globe May 21, 1998
Animal crazy The Boston Globe December 23, 1997
The suffering of a mother bird The Boston Globe September 5, 1996

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