Jeff Jacoby
Jeff Jacoby
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Writings by Topic: Same-sex marriage

Title Publication Date
No, Justice Barrett should not recuse herself The Boston Globe December 4, 2022
A bum 'hypocrisy' rap The Boston Globe August 2, 2022
The freedom to uphold an unpopular opinion The Boston Globe June 12, 2022
Again the Supreme Court defends religious believers. Again it's unanimous The Boston Globe June 23, 2021
The real significance of the Masterpiece Cakeshop decision The Boston Globe June 6, 2018
What the Constitution says about cakes and compelled speech The Boston Globe December 3, 2017
Thuggish censors in the marketplace of ideas The Boston Globe May 3, 2015
Same-sex weddings, and the right not to perform them The Boston Globe October 26, 2014
Marriage and the 'wrong side of history' The Boston Globe June 18, 2014
Another slip down the slope from gay marriage The Boston Globe December 22, 2013
How far does 'marriage equality' go? The Boston Globe May 29, 2013
Gay marriage at the ballot box The Boston Globe November 14, 2012
Forget the research; our minds are made up The Boston Globe June 20, 2012
What if Obama's 'evolution' had been sincere? The Boston Globe May 13, 2012
Marriage cannot be redefined The Boston Globe June 29, 2011
Look who's defending states' rights The Boston Globe July 18, 2010
Who decides what 'marriage' means? The Boston Globe May 12, 2010
'Don't call people bigots just because you disagree with them' The Boston Globe November 11, 2009
Courage, and the absence of courage The Boston Globe May 3, 2009
Religious liberty The Boston Globe December 31, 2008
Playing the race card on gay marriage The Boston Globe November 12, 2008
Misunderstanding marriage in California The Boston Globe May 21, 2008
Love, marriage, and the baby carriage The Boston Globe February 25, 2007
The Constitution's guardrails The Boston Globe December 17, 2006
Democracy and same-sex marriage The Boston Globe November 15, 2006
A mockery of the rules The Boston Globe July 9, 2006
Demagogues and the marriage debate The Boston Globe June 7, 2006
Public schools vs. parents' values The Boston Globe April 26, 2006
My best wishes The Boston Globe May 22, 2005
The marriage consensus The Boston Globe November 7, 2004
The timeless meaning of marriage The Boston Globe November 16, 2003
The threat from same-sex 'marriage' The Boston Globe August 6, 2001
Just another nontraditional family The Boston Globe May 17, 2001
Who says it's wrong to ban gay marriage? The Boston Globe January 24, 2000
Query for liberals: Should incest be a crime? The Boston Globe January 27, 1998
No marriage license for Barney Frank The Boston Globe July 16, 1996

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