Jeff Jacoby
Jeff Jacoby
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Pundicity: Informed Opinion and Review

Writings by Topic: Torture

Title Publication Date
America tortured the 9/11 mastermind. That's why he will never pay for his crimes. The Boston Globe August 14, 2024
In China, prisoners of conscience are literally being butchered The Boston Globe December 4, 2016
Bin Laden's death doesn't vindicate torture The Boston Globe May 11, 2011
Terrorism and moral torture Pajamas Media April 22, 2009
A tortured debate over the 'torture memos' The Boston Globe April 22, 2009
Why NOT torture terrorists? The Boston Globe March 20, 2005
'Treat these detainees like dogs' The Boston Globe March 17, 2005
A tortured silence The Boston Globe January 30, 2005
How not to win the war The Boston Globe January 26, 2003

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